Landau Gage has been a proud sponsor of the University of Windsor SAE Baja since 2007. The SAE BAJA is an engineering design competition for undergraduate and graduate engineering students. The three Baja SAE competitions held in North America are part of SAE’s Collegiate Design Series of student engineering competitions.
The competition tests the strength and reliability of the vehicle through all terrains, both on land and in water. Landau is committed to education and is honoured to be a part of the challenge, pushing students beyond their limits to think differently and to be a part of extreme engineering at it’s best.
Our products are designed and manufactured to the highest quality standards. We are committed to continuous improvement, and provide precision gage solutions. We continuously meet the ISO 9001 requirements and are certified under the provisions of ISO 9001:2008.
Landau Gage is a global leader and ensures all processes are in place for ongoing quality management and delivery of service and are registered under CGP(Controlled Goods Program) The Controlled Goods Program was created in 2001 to strengthen the Canada – U.S. agreement on defence trade controls and is essential to maintaining, the secure transfer of controlled goods in accordance with the Defence Production Act and the controlled Goods Regulations.
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